We offer you a fully computerised, camera based four-wheel alignment service, sometimes known as tracking. With the increasing cost of tyres, it is worth making sure that they are going to wear
evenly! Sometimes you will be offered front tracking or toe adjustment only, this does not take into account that most cars have rear geometry adjustment. This means that even though your front
suspension is set up correctly the tyres can still wear unevenly, or you could have unstable cornering due to the rear steering the front.
Why have a wheel alignment?
. To prevent or correct uneven tyre wear
. To make sure your car is handling at its optimum for safety
. To correct pulling or unstable cornering
. To set suspension geometry back to standard after parts replacement (suspension or steering)
. To aid better fuel economy as poor wheel alignment can affect fuel economy
To book in your 4 wheel alignment from £45 plus VAT today please contact us.